Dear Sir or Madam,
We are very pleased that over 300 people participated last week in our webinar "Implementing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - Opportunities and Challenges". This clearly shows the importance of the CSRD and its proper implementation in EU Member States. You can access the recording of the webinar HERE.
The webinar was a follow-up to our podcast series Sustainability Made in Europe. In four episodes, high-level representatives from business, academia and politics discuss sustainable finance and coporate governance policies. Listening in is highly recommended!
What was discussed & what can we learn
In the webinar that took place on 13 October 2022, experts from the EU Commission and Member States discussed which aspects need to be taken into account in order for the new directive to achieve its ambitious goals. In particular, they examined the lessons learned from the implementation of the predecessor directive, the Non-Financial Reporting Directive.
In particular, three lessons can be drawn from the webinar:
1. Member States should define precisely which requirements apply when and how. The national states should take a uniform approach in order to prevent a sustainability gap within the EU.
2. For many companies, the scope and complexity of the CSRD and ESRS is currently overwhelming. Therefore, the ESRS should be made less extensive and, at the same time, information offerings should be expanded. The Member States should support SMEs in particular.
3. Even if the ESRS have not yet been finalized, companies should start preparing for ESG reporting now. National standards such as the German Sustainability Code (DNK) can be very helpful for this purpose.
Thank you
We would like to thank our speakers Tom Dodd, Jan Witzmann, Karin Hofmans, László Borbély as well as our moderator Elise Buckle for their valuable contributions.
Thank you for your interest in sustainable development in Europe!
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